Bart van der Schoor

Interesting projects

Anubis House Anubis series
DefinitelyTyped The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions
lorez Pixel buffers for low-rez games
Grunt plugins Doing my bit to fill npm with grunting
JSON-Schema Tools and collaboration
older work Projects from another time
reporters Because every tool needs fancy output
TSD TypeScript type definition package manager



Demo repository on how to setup a simple continuous deployment to publish using Travis-CI and Grunt.


Minimal demo showing how to use TypeScript with node.js/npm modules .

Modules I

I like picking through npm and github finding great modules, especially ones that feel empowering and make code fly.

pixi Canvas & WebGL graphics with Flash-style API
bluebird Promise/A with convenient wrappers at callback speeds
lazy.js Iteration like underscore, but lazily evaluated; high-speed functional chaining.
highland High-level streams library makes streaming easy as pie.
joi Advanced object-schema validation with convenient API.
parsimmon A monadic LL(infinity) parser combinator library (booya!).
mocha Still undefeated testing framework.